Law School Website
The University of Minnesota Law School is rated as one of the top 20 law schools in the U.S.
Attendance, however, has been falling at law schools nationwide, and the website had to do a better job of ‘selling’ what the School had to offer.
The new site leads with a series of stories, told from different alumni's perspectives. Using large images, bold type, testimonials and personal stories, they speak to the variety of audiences the school is trying to attract. The homepage features one random story, while the Why Minnesota Law page displays up to 8 different stories.

The Law School had multiple websites with thousands of records stored in a legacy content management system, and needed to migrate content to Drupal. We worked with the school to develop a series of custom importers using the Migrate module, bringing over faculty profiles, news and events, and much more.
Other content was developed independently via Gather Content and imported to the news site. All existing functionality from the old CMS was either duplicated or improved upon within Drupal, including advanced tools such as a scholarship allocation tool used by the school to distribute and award scholarships to students over the course of their school careers.