While our experience includes a wide-range of content management systems (CMS), Drupal is our CMS of choice.
Since 2008, members of our team have launched dozens of Drupal sites and been active members of the open-source community. We have built a team of Drupal experts, and are intimately familiar with its history, capabilities, best-practices, and strengths.
Why Drupal
- Open-source – no licensing fees to use the software, and access to hundreds of free user-contributed modules
- Secure and scalable – trusted on many of the biggest, more heavily trafficked sites around
- Structured data and content modeling – Drupal makes it easy to design and implement content models and tools for an endless variety of use cases.
- Content display –the power of Drupal’s Views and Layout Builder modules, combined with Drupal’s theme layer, makes it possible to create modern, responsive, and fast-loading front end displays
- Migrate API (and other APIs) – the Drupal 8 Migrate API is extremely powerful, and provides methods for migrating a wide variety of data from disparate sources directly into Drupal’s structured content model.
- Flexibility and Stability – In Drupal 8 there are more than 30 APIs available that provide built-in, intuitive methods for building almost anything you can imagine.
- Broad support - Large community of passionate supporters, in Minnesota, across the U.S. and worldwide.

Supporting Partner
Electric Citizen is an Premier Supporting Partner to Drupal.org, and proud sponsor of both regional and national conferences.
You'll often find our team members speaking at Drupal-related conferences such as BadCamp, MidCamp, Twin Cities Drupal Camp and DrupalCon.
We’ve found that focusing our efforts on mastering one particular CMS has great advantages to our clients. Having a high level of specialization, experience and expertise means that when we do use Drupal, we do it right and we do it really well.