AI and Alt Text
New AI-powered tools and techniques make it easier than ever to manage content in your CMS.
While they’re not necessarily the most “earth-shattering” advances in technology, for anyone in charge of managing website content and media, there have been a series of incremental improvements to the editorial experience.
One small but very useful new tool now available in Drupal is the AI Image Alt Text module.
Based on the new suite of AI modules now available in Drupal, this tool is able to visually analyze images loaded to the website by editors, and automatically suggest a text description (alt-text) for each one. It does so by connecting your CMS to an AI-provider such as Open AI or Anthropic–they supply the image analysis capabilities while Drupal handles the image uploads and text editing.

If you’re not familiar with “alt text” (alternative text), this has long been a requirement for accessible websites. It’s a HTML-attribute available for any image, where you can add a text-based description for any image, so those who aren’t sighted (or have images turned off) can still understand the intent and meaning of the visual content by reading the image description, or have it read to them by a voice-over tool.
Including “alt-text” with every image is one of the easiest ways to improve a website’s accessibility. There are a few small barriers, however, to its more widespread adoption.
Time and effort
Though adding alt-text might seem simple, it can slow down content updates significantly, especially when dealing with numerous images. For smaller sites, perhaps you are the only editor, and have many more pressing tasks to complete than making up text descriptions for images.
Editors of larger sites may have help, but still have hundreds or even thousands of images to manage. It can also be a barrier when bulk-uploading many images at one time, such as when managing a product catalog, image gallery, blog, or news section.
Cognitive load
Another (less considered) barrier is the effort and imagination required to create alt-text. It’s not enough to simply say “this is a photo” or “picture of a woman”. That doesn’t properly communicate the image’s intent or full context to every user.
One (somewhat dated) word of advice I’ve long held to is to treat alt-text content like a “tweet” – short but descriptive enough to understand. But again, it takes time and mental effort to come up with these more descriptive and rich alt-text phrases.
This is truly where AI can shine. It can quickly and easily analyze the content of each image and offer a much more descriptive summary of the entire image.
Here's a quick example to demonstrate my point. In this both images below, the editor is uploading an image to a page.
Before AI
In the first example, the editor is asked to generate the alternative text (alt text) for themselves. In what is a common scenario, the editor has entered the quickest, easiest description they could think of ("flower") for the image.

After AI
In this second example, we have our new AI tool available. By clicking the "generate with AI" button, the editor automatically fills out the alternative text field, but this time the description is much more rich and true to the content of the image itself

Alt text should be short but rich and descriptive
As with all “AI-generated content”, there can be errors. But in our current testing, it has been really good. For those cases where the description isn’t quite right, it is still easy enough for an editor to change the “alt text” before saving it with your image upload.
Maybe it’s not a perfect substitute for thoughtful, well-constructed image descriptions drafted by a human editor, who can consider nuances and image context more closely. But it’s pretty darn close. And as much as I love humans, we are far from perfect as well!
Generally-speaking, any alt-text is generally better than no alt text, or generic and too-broadly worded descriptions of images. So for that reason, we do recommend it as a starting point for all websites moving forward.
Note that you will need a paid account with an AI-provider like OpenAI to “power” this new tool. Currently running around $20/month, it is a small cost, however, and would also provide you with an account to begin using for other reasons, such as research or image generation. Our team can help you get started, and set up the connections between your account and Drupal website.
Already have a Drupal website but missing these AI-powered enhancements? Talk to our team of web experts about introducing these new features to your team.
Installing and configuring this module for your site is relatively straightforward. It’s one of many proactive site enhancements we roll out to our support clients.
You will need a paid account with an AI-provider like OpenAI to “power” this new tool. Currently running around $20/month, it is a relatively small cost, however, and would also provide you with an account to begin using for other reasons, such as research or image generation.
Let our team help you get started. We can set up the connections between your AI-account and Drupal website. This is just the first of many enhancements we can bring to your editing experience, and improvements that will benefit your users as well.
Additional learning
AI is here! Let's find ways to make it work for us, and improve the content we provide to our site visitors. Talk to us about your goals for using AI on your website, and let us help you find new ways to innovate online.
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